Monday, December 13, 2010

Meet "Steve" ....

(Because when you think of elf names, of course, the first one that comes to mind is "Steve"......right?)

Well, for Chase, that was true. So......

Meet "Steve" the Elf !!!

Last week, on his own, Chase went to and "ordered" an elf from Santa without telling anyone. That is, until yesterday, when he looked at me with that pitiful little face and said "I guess my elf won't come this year."

Well...I bet you'll never guess what happened!
 Miraculously, our doorbell rang tonight and I bet you can't guess what was on the doorstep? Yep....Steve the elf!

Chase is Super-Duper excited.....

We can't wait to see what kind of mischevious stuff "Steve" will get into while we sleep!

Merry Christmas!

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